Saturday, January 28, 2006

This is Some Bull Shit!

While doing research for an English paper several months ago, it came to my attention that, once again, being a non- potsmoking liberal in California is almost more trouble than it's worth. In Cali. penal code s. 11460, it says that "Two or more persons may not engage in paramilitary training...". In short, California law has cleverly made it impossible to form a legal militia. You see, the state constitution makes provisions for militias, and to date, the state government has never openly banned militias from forming. And that's the beauty of it. Section 11460 doesn't say that you can't form a militia, it just says that you cannot train wtih another person, much less a group. Basically, a militia can form, but it can never meet for purposes of training. I can almost hear the California legislature telling the Second Amendment to squeal like a pig. All hail the advent of the police state. Patriot Act, my ass.


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