Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Once again, all the stupid bastard morons in Washington D.C. are trying to screw immigrants here illegally. The bill they are debating right now would make it a felony to be an illegal immigrant. Quick question: If these immigrats are deported, who the hell is going to work the fields, orchards, and vinyards? You can bet your sweet ass that most native-born people aren't going to do it, we're too pampered (mostly). Yes, they are taking away jobs from citizens, but the jobs they take are ones that most citizens wouldn't ever do on purpose. I, however, have worked as an orchard worker, and I can say from personal experience that most native-born people would not be able to handle that workload for great pay, much less for the chump change that illegal aliens are willing to do it for. And furthermore, anyone east of the Mississippi should shut the fuck up when it comes to illegal immigrants, specifically people from the New England region, on account of that whole area tends to piss me off. The only people who should have a say in the matter should be those in the westernmost states, where the economy is most reliant on cheap labor from south of the border. That's right, accept the fact that most of the people in question are...dum dum dum...Latino!!! I was watching the news this morning, and one of the politicians going on tv in support of this bill was a senator from New Jersey. NEW JERSEY! Fuck those greasy bastards! How much of their economy relies on immigrant labor? None! On the northeast coast, illegal aliens are a luxury item, serving as houekeepers and such, but here on the west coast, they are absolutely essential to our economy, and our survival. People who don't need the help these aliens are willing to give should not have a say in what happens to them. And lastly: Thank God for John McCain. As always, he is bastion of reason in a great boiling sea of flagrant flaming asshattery. Allah hoo'mah ah'nah. (may God be with us)

Ah Salaam aleah coom, Bitches!


Blogger crazy bastard said...

mind your head, bonerbiter!

6:04 PM  
Blogger Audrey said...

I will say that you have a point when it comes to the job market. However, I don't believe that illegal immigrants should have more privileges than I, a hard-working American citizen have.

Why should people who are here illegally and don't pay taxes (whether they are hard workers or not isn't my issue at this moment) get to have health coverage and housing assistance that I have to pay for with my tax money.

I pay for these services for others when I can't afford them for myself.

The issue is much larger than whether being an illegal immigrant should be illegal. (for the record, it's baked right in to the title...if you come here illegally you have, in fact, broken the law.)
It's pretty self-explanatory...nothing has really changed and McCain's bill isn't going to solve the current problems, only add to it as written.

Have you read the bill, as written? If not, I suggest that you do so. Parts of it have merit, but certainly not enough to line-item pass the entire piece of legislation.

just my 2 cents worth

4:34 PM  
Blogger Audrey said...

As an addendum: quite a bit of New Jersey's labor (as well as much of the NorthEastern Seaboard) depends on immigrants. They aren't latino, but rather Arab, Russian, and East Asian.

4:37 PM  

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