Friday, August 25, 2006

Oh, Lord, it burns!

I've been busy working and going to school, so I've seen no news programs. But even without seeing any news, I can still guess the bullet points:

-Israel continues to face difficulties in Lebanon; UN continues to seek a ceasefire

-Hezbollah lauches more rockets over the border into Israel, killing several people

-American troops were killed by IEDs in Iraq

-Iran refuses to stop with its nuclear program

-Kim Jong Il is still a crazy motherfucker

-arguements are raging over gay marriage and stem cell research

-Hillary Clinton is still a crazy-ass bitch

-something bad happened in India

-some celebrity got married/divorced/cannibalized

-Dick Cheney looked creepy

-somebody got shot

Tell me I'm wrong.

Salaam Aleykum, Bitches!


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