Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Not gonna happen.

Okay, this is one of my few truly hardcore right-wing thoughts: There is no way in hell that the national anthem should be sung in Spanish. Now, it has already been established that I am usually on the side of the Spanish speakers, but in this case I will make an exception. The United States, for better or worse, is an English-speaking country. And though a large percentage of the population speaks Spanish, the national anthem is not a point of fucking negotiation. Living in California, I both understand and accept that many people living in this country do not speak English. I also understand and accept the fact that English is one of the most difficult and complex languages in the world, and not only is it a hard tongue to master, but some people just don't learn other languages easily. I can sympathize. But the national anthem was written in English, and should only be sung in English. Period. End of discussion.

Salaam Aleykum, Bitches!


Blogger Audrey said...

aleykum wa salaam!!

11:19 AM  

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