Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well played.

It seems like Iraq's prime minister is a real ass-kicker. He seems pretty adamant about getting Iraq's shit in gear, saying that he hopes to have Iraqi troops take over for the U.S. ihn about a year and a half. But at least he's realistic. He wants the Iraqi troops to take the reins, but he wants to keep some American troops in Iraq as a rapid response force, which is a pretty good idea. And to top it all off, in a public address, he gave a shout out to all of the parents of American soldiers, saying that hopefully their sons and daughters would be coming home soon. He also offered his condolences to the parents of soldiers who have died in Iraq. So far, this guy seems pretty cool. Here's to hoping that he doesn't turn out to be a douchebag!

Salaam Aleykum, Bitches!


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11:26 PM  

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